This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-12-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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Rare MacPicasso Unearthed

by Tonya Engst

Rare MacPicasso Unearthed -- After reading last week's Holiday Gifts issue (TidBITS-409), several readers inquired about contact information for purchasing a MacPicasso 516 video card. We hadn't realized how difficult it would be to locate a U.S. source for the card. Anne-Marie Concepcion <> did the legwork to identify Software Hut as the U.S. distributor. She wrote, "Software Hut says the MacPicasso 516 has been discontinued, and they have none in stock. Software Hut will offer an updated version of the low-end board, the MacPicasso 523, for the same $119.95 price." Software Hut also told Anne-Marie the 523 wouldn't be available until January, so she purchased an inexpensive card from MacConnection instead.

The plot thickened when I called Software Hut to confirm Anne-Marie's information. The representative stated the 523 should be available on Thursday of this week, but could not confirm the pricing before this issue went to press. Also, Kai Niggemann <>, who lives in Germany and originated the MacPicasso suggestion, said the Picasso 516 is "still being advertised in Germany." If you don't live in the U.S. or Germany, you might have luck with either company, or you could just purchase a different video card. [TJE]

Software Hut (in the U.S.) -- 610/586 5701 -- 610/586 5706 (fax)
Villagetronic (in Germany) -- 05066-7013-10 -- 95966-7013-49