This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-12-10 at 12:00 p.m.
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Business Software

by Tonya Engst

Eudora -- Most TidBITS staff members use Eudora (we particularly love its features for filtering, redirecting, and personalities), and we last covered Eudora in TidBITS-405. TidBITS reader Steve Smith <> shares our enthusiasm; he wrote, "I just bought myself Eudora Pro 3.1.1 from [TidBITS sponsor] Cyberian Outpost (backorderd one day) for $29.95 + $5 shipping. I suppose now I need to buy Adam's Eudora Visual QuickStart book." Eudora Pro 4.0 will probably be out relatively soon, given that it's in public beta right now and that the Windows version of Eudora Pro 4.0 was just released.

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SpellTools -- Almost any writer will appreciate a spelling checker that works in most applications, enabling the user to maintain only one user dictionary. In TidBITS-353 we looked at SpellCatcher from Casady & Greene and in TidBITS-376 we continued with a look at Online Army Knife.


We haven't covered other possibilities recently, but Victor Guess <> recommended SpellTools from Newer Technologies, a $19.95 downloadable spelling checker with a 45-day trial period. Victor noted, "I appreciate SpellTools's capability to work with virtually any application that uses text. It is more than a just spelling checker. It will also normalize spaces and returns, remove > characters from email, count words, and UPPERCASE or lowercase a selection. It will also speak selections with a choice of voices and will add time, date or user defined text stamps. The only thing I miss is a function to strip leading spaces quickly. The SpellTools Normalize Spaces function removes multiple spaces, but it always leaves one."
