This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-10-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Myrmidon 2.0 Brings Numerous Enhancements

by TidBITS Staff

Terry Morse Software recently updated its popular Web publishing program, Myrmidon, to version 2.0. Myrmidon, a Chooser extension, "prints" HTML files from most applications. When queried, Terry Morse noted many new features, including optional use of tables and spacer tags for improved fidelity between the original document and the resulting Web page; the capability to convert vector-based graphics and to convert graphics to JPEGs (previously Myrmidon only converted bitmaps to GIFs); selectable color palettes and dithering; and the capability to render numerous Web pages from one "printed" document, complete with navigation buttons. The new version is also PowerPC native. The demo, a 2.3 MB download, offers 25 tries with which to tweak the extensive settings to see if Myrmidon is right for your project. The suggested retail price is $99; purchasing direct from the Web costs $69. Upgrades from version 1.x are free.