This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-09-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Subscription Drive

by Adam C. Engst

TidBITS Subscription Drive -- Numerous people have told us they enjoy TidBITS and redistribute it to friends or colleagues each week. Passing occasional issues along is fine, but we'd prefer regular readers join our mailing list. That way, we can have a better idea of how many people read TidBITS and better manage the hundreds of email bounces we receive (many from addresses that aren't on our list). If you like TidBITS and want to share it with others (such as new or returning students), please tell them they can subscribe to TidBITS (for free, of course!) by sending email to <> or by filling in the form on our home page. If they want to read an issue first, the current issue (and the last four issues) is available from our home page, and sending email to <> always returns the current issue. Thanks for helping to spread the word about TidBITS! [ACE]
