This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-02-21 at 12:00 p.m.
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A new radio talk show

by Adam C. Engst

A new radio talk show about computers called "OnLine Tonight with David Lawrence" debuts this Sunday, 27-Feb-94 "via the ABC Satellite System." I know zilch about radio, so I'm not sure how that will help you find it in your area, but the time will be 8:00 PM Eastern time and 5:00 PM Pacific time, so I'll just go low-tech and dial through all the local stations. The demo tape I heard indicates that OnLine Tonight may not quite compete with NPR's Car Talk (David's going to hate me for saying that), but will certainly be far more fun and interesting than any of the boring suit-filled computer radio shows I've heard in the past. Although David is a self-described Mac fanatic, the show is cross-platform and co-host Rita Daniels covers PC questions from callers. Most interestingly, if you don't want to use the telephone, you can ask questions online as well via America Online or CompuServe. No word if they've got an IRC channel set up yet for Internet folks.

David Lawrence -- --