This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-03-07 at 12:00 p.m.
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Floppy Concerns

by Adam C. Engst

Floppy Concerns -- There has been concern that people would have trouble replacing the floppy drive in an old SE/30 or Plus, since those machines cannot physically accept the new manual inject drives. This came up because an Apple rep speaking at a seminar for Apple support coordinators in higher education said all Macs sent in for floppy repairs would receive a new manual inject drive. Luckily, we have confirmed (from a contact within Apple) that Apple has several companies repairing the old SuperDrives and the even-older 800K drives. So, if your SE's drive goes, you can replace it with a comparable drive. It might be nice to get a fancy new floppy, but it would be pointless since you couldn't insert disks into it. Of course, whether or not it's worth it to replace the floppy drive is another story entirely, given the price of Macs like the Quadra 605.