This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-04-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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Brian Hall

by Adam C. Engst

Brian Hall <> writes about General Magic's Magic Cap:

A product using Magic Cap has been shown - the Motorola Envoy. Motorola had a large island booth at Mobile '94 recently, and they had seven or eight third-party developers showing off applications. They were also accepting applications to participate in their developer program. There were some spreadsheets, some communications applications, and others that did not catch my eye. I spent most of my time talking to the developer evangelist and the representative from America Online. They had an America Online email and stock client running on the Envoy. Nice, but as I don't follow stocks on America Online and prefer my email to be sent to my Internet address, that is of limited use to me. A full client would be great, especially considering that they work wireless. When I saw the first screen shots in MacWEEK I thought, "Great! Black and white hollow images. A coloring book!" However, when you actually sit down and use the device, it is much better.