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The Word Book

by Tonya Engst

If you use Microsoft Word, you might be interested in checking out my new book, The Word Book for Macintosh Users (ISBN#1-56830-088-3), fresh off the presses from Hayden Books. It's bright red, somewhat thick at 776 pages, and contains much of what I know about Word 5.0 and 5.1.

The book starts with the usual preliminaries about using the Macintosh for word processing, continues with detailed installation instructions, and talks about Word's interface and how to personalize Word. It then shows about twenty sample documents. (They were created with the assistance of Jon.Hersh, a friend and Seattle-based designer who created the "Caring for Your Wrists" document we distribute on the Internet at:)

The documents and their surrounding text help you visually find topics in the book. After the sample documents come various chapters such as Boxes, Borders, and Lines; Conversions; and Printing Techniques and Problems. Besides explaining how to create, edit, and format documents, I mention problems fixed by patches and updates, workarounds, and situations where you want to proceed carefully in order to avoid trouble. Given that in a former life I did phone support for Word, I have a somewhat unique perspective to offer.

Finally, to make the book more useful for Internet users, I've uploaded various updates and enhancements for Word to:

The Word Book should be in the distribution channel this week, so bookstores can order it, although they may not have it in stock right away. If you are interested, you can order it directly by email or phone (wait a day or two before ordering via phone) at a 25 percent discount. You must give the magic code "WORD" to receive the discount.

Ordering Details

The Word Book for Macintosh Users, by Tonya Engst.
Published by Hayden Books. ISBN 1-56830-088-3.
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