This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-04-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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QMS's Font Freedom

by Adam C. Engst

QMS announced a $49.95 ATM-like INIT called Font Freedom that provides smooth fonts on the screen and on QuickDraw printers. No benchmarks regarding speed were mentioned, but Font Freedom will ship with 24 typefaces in comparison to ATM's 13. Note that there are between 1 and 4 typefaces in each font, which is why ATM really only has 4 fonts included. Font Freedom's will include the basic fonts in the LaserWriter+, fonts which must be purchased separately from Adobe in their Plus Pack. Type 1 PostScript fonts (fonts with Adobe hints) are supported, with Type 3 fonts (non-hinted fonts created with a program such as Fontographer) supported eventually.

The introduction of Font Freedom adds another level of complexity to the font war between the PostScript camp (Adobe/IBM/NeXT) and the TrueType camp (Apple/Microsoft). Font Freedom will compete mostly on its display speed, print quality, and memory requirements, all of which are still unknown.

QMS -- 800/635-3997 -- 205/633-4300
Related articles:
MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14 pg. 14
InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40