This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-04-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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SE Monitor & Accelerator

by Adam C. Engst

Mobius Technologies has another option for SE owners who are running low on screen real estate and speed at the same time. The 15" full-page monitor is only 1-bit monochrome, but has a 78-Hz refresh rate and includes a 16 MHz 68000 accelerator card to double the speed of the SE. The best news is the price, only $695.

The new Mobius monitor competes directly with the Radius Full Page Display and the Sigma Designs SilverView for the SE, neither of which come with acceleration.

The trick when buying a monitor is to use it for a while first (or be able to return it within a month or some such deal) because large monitor quality is very subjective. Also, be aware that large monitors require more processing from the CPU, and will thus slow down the Mac. So even if Mobius's accelerator board doubles the Mac's speed, updating the larger screen will cut into that speed increase somewhat.

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InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40