This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-04-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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New Programs from ACIUS

by Adam C. Engst

ACIUS, the developer of 4th Dimension, announced a host of new programs in many sectors of the market. Included in the product announcement are 4D Write, 4D Calc, Graph 3D, 4D Draw, 4D Compiler Kit, 4D External Kit, 4D SQL Server, and 4D Connectivity Kit.

All of the new products can be integrated tightly with 4D, and include the same sort of inter-application communication that Apple promises will be in System 7.0. It is unlikely that each application on its own will be able to compete with the popular and powerful programs in that field, such as MacDraw, Nisus, Word, Excel, and Wingz, but the links with each other and 4D will give a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. An especially exciting feature of the newly announced packages is that each module will automatically install a set of commands in the 4D language, allowing programmers to control the modules in their applications.

ACIUS -- 408/252-4444
Related articles:
MacWEEK -- 10-Apr-90, Vol. 4, #14,pg. 1
InfoWorld -- 09-Apr-90, Vol. 12, #15, pg. 40