This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-04-30 at 12:00 p.m.
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Flipper Color Monitor

by Adam C. Engst

Not content to let Radius pivot on its laurels, Personal Computer Peripherals Corp. announced the Flipper, a 17" color monitor that can change from portrait to landscape orientation. Unlike the Radius monitor, though, the Mac must be restarted when the monitor is flipped. With a list price of $2495 the Flipper is significantly more expensive than the Radius Pivot, which retails for $1690 ($995 for the monitor, $695 for the card). However, the Flipper may be the only color full-page display available. It boasts a 72 dpi resolution and a fast refresh rate of 75 Hz. Neither the Pivot nor the Flipper come with video cards for the SE or the Plus, but both support the SE/30 along with Mac II class machines.

As much as the ability to change orientation is useful, the simple fact that the Flipper is a full page display (or very close, anyway) that includes color should make it popular with desktop publishers who require color and prefer a full page display.

PCPC -- 800/622-2888 -- 813/884-3092
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MacWEEK -- 01-May-90, Vol. 4, #17, pg. 4