This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1990-06-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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Editors' Notes

by Adam C. Engst

We currently face a dilemma with TidBITS. We have found alternative sources of information so we no longer rely on the trade magazines much at all any more. The advantage to this is that it removes us from the grey area of misappropriation in copyright law. The disadvantage is that we cannot provide references to articles in magazines if what we choose to write about has yet to be covered in the magazines. So herein lies the question for you, our all-important readers, to answer.

Do you use the references provided in TidBITS to read related articles in the trade magazines?

We do intend to continue citing our sources (good little academics that we are) and including contact information whenever possible. We also hope to distribute an update stack several times each year that will update the items for which we have found references (we do keep track of new references in our master TidBITS Archive).

If you have an opinion on this subject, please tell us. You can reach us most easily via email, but snail mail is fine although it will take longer for a reply. Our various addresses are on the initial "About" card at the bottom under CONTACT INFORMATION.

Many thanks and we hope to hear from you. - Adam & Tonya