This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-03-18 at 12:00 p.m.
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MacInTax review

by Adam C. Engst

MacInTax Federal 1990
1721 Pacific Avenue
Suite 100
Oxnard, CA 93033
76702,1174 at CompuServe
SOFTVIEW at AppleLink
SOFTVIEW at MCI Mail (Internet format)


9 Penguins out of a possible 10

Summary: -- MacInTax is the tax-preparation program of choice, with its intuitive interface, excellent screen display, and accurate printouts. MacInTax makes the task of preparing tax returns almost fun and the program allows you the luxury of being able to try numerous different options in the search for the best result. Marred only by a high upgrade price, MacInTax is a necessity for anyone who prepares his or her own taxes.

User Evaluation: (on a scale of 0 to 10)

Number of responses: 13
Ease of installation: 8
Ease of learning: 8
Ease of use: 9
Power & usefulness: 9
Documentation: 8
Technical support: 8
Overall evaluation: 9

Price and Availability: -- Being one of the most popular Macintosh programs ever, MacInTax is widely available from dealers and mail order firms. MacInTax has a list price of $99 and a MacConnection price of $59 (note that we quote the MacConnection price in recognition of the company's industry-leading efforts to use ecologically-conscious packaging and its overall excellent service). For those upgrading from last year's version, the price is $50.


Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor