This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-03-25 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

Apparently Sitka isn't quite as odd a name as I previously thought. I recently learned that there is a Sitka spruce and a Sitka black-tailed deer. I've also heard more information from a couple of readers.

Scott Robert Anderson writes, "My understanding is that it was a "meeting place" for many different groups (Americans, Russians, Eskimos, etc.). Since the company is in the business of connectivity between many different platforms, this seemed like an appropriate name."

And John Richard Bruni adds, "Sitka is now a real nice little city. I went there to do a story on James Michener when he was writing ALASKA and was amazed at how nice a place Sitka is. It is much like Vancouver in weather, being part of Southeast Alaska rather than the Far North."

Information from:
Scott Robert Anderson --
John Richard Bruni --