This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-04-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

One of the best parts of Spaceward Ho! is that it's well-balanced. Allocating funds doesn't bog down the game - everything is graphically displayed as a bar-chart. If you want to allocate more funds to research, just go up to the bar chart and click on the "Tech" bar and drag. Simple. Likewise, if planet "X" has just run out of metal, has been completely terraformed, and is out in the middle of nowhere so you don't want to build any ships there, just deallocate all funds by clicking on X's bar and dragging it to zero. The same method applies to allocating more money to weapons research and less to miniaturization. Spaceward Ho! gives you just the right amount of control to make the game fun.

Delta Tao hasn't stopped developing Spaceward Ho!, either. Looking back in the manual, many of the screenshots have changed slightly. Pop-up menus have replaced ugly arrays of radio buttons and things have been further refined. As the intro letter that came with my copy says, "We want you early purchasers to get the even-more-fun version when we do get it done, so we're going to give it to you for free." (Now if only my upgrade to Excel 3.0 was closer to free than to $129.)

Where to buy it? Well, the only mail-order house which seems to carry it is Mac's Place. I ordered mine from there and it came promptly, as promised. In a recent Usenet article in, Peter Commons, the author, recommended you go to the place where you usually buy your software and if they don't have it, ask them why not, and encourage them to contact Delta Tao. Sounds like good advice to me.