This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-04-29 at 12:00 p.m.
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AccessPC Problems

by Adam C. Engst

As a matter of fact, I've only had a single problem with AccessPC since I've started using it. It surprised me, because I couldn't figure out why it should have happened. While I was writing this review, the Mac crashed (I lost only a few words, thanks to Nisus) and when it came back up, even though AccessPC seemed to load fine, when I selected it in the Control Panel, it said that it wasn't loaded and I needed to restart. I did so again, and it came back to life. Luckily, despite a number of other crashes, this hasn't happened again. Strange.

My only other request goes to Insignia's marketing elves. AccessPC performs absolutely no file translations, which isn't particularly in its scope. However, I suspect that a fair number of people who buy AccessPC will want to do some file format translation as well, so it would be ideal if Insignia could strike a deal with MacLinkPlus/PC or one of the other file translation programs - a bundle or some sort of discount if you own one and buy the other.

Overall, you won't go wrong with AccessPC. If you regularly work with DOS disks, using AccessPC is far easier than mucking around with Apple File Exchange. It's fast (one person said he thought it was about 10 times faster than DOS Mounter 1.0 and I can vouch for the fact that it performs a lot faster than the DaynaFile), integrates DOS disks into the Mac environment with a minimum of setup and fuss, formats DOS disks from the Finder, and requires no weekly maintenance.