This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-05-13 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

These pseudo-sporadic columns are fun, if only because then I don't have to think of new titles all the time. I'm anticipating a ton of news related to System 7, so this space will collect what's interesting.

First off, Dantz was nice enough to send out a free upgrade of Retrospect a few days ago. Retrospect 1.3 improves an already impressive program (which we will review soon, I hope) with full System 7 compatibility, a maximum archive size of one terabyte, and network updating of the [deg]Remote INIT (which allows you to back up remote volumes without file sharing software like TOPS around). One of the neater additions to Retrospect is that if you drag files, folders, or disks on top of the Retrospect icon, Retrospect launches itself and marks those files to be archived. Features like this will require changes in working habits, because I'd have to search through about five folder levels to find Retrospect now, although I suppose I could create an alias for it in System 7.

Second, the rest of this information comes from Mark H. Anbinder, and it sounds like extremely good advice when upgrading to System 7, which I'm sure many of you will do as soon as you can get your hot little hands on that many disks. Thanks, Mark!

Here are a few hints and tips on the subject of upgrading to System 7. This is by no means an exhaustive list of the issues involved, but it should provide some useful information for you.

Dantz Development -- 415/849-0293

Information from:
Dantz propaganda
Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@memory.uucp