This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-05-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Wedding

by Adam C. Engst

As much as it would be a blast, we can't invite the thousands of you to the wedding. Tonya and I are getting married on June 15th, 1991, in a place probably best described as "somewhere in the middle of New York State." The ground rules for the wedding include (a) no one is allowed to wear uncomfortable shoes, and (b) if anyone absolutely has to wear a tie (which isn't encouraged), it had better be a fish tie. I personally own an extremely nice barracuda tie that I probably won't wear.

We figured that it was best to mention this in TidBITS if only because there's no chance that we're going to put an issue out two days after the wedding. We'll have more important things to attend to. So don't look for a June 17th issue of TidBITS, although we'll be back at it soon after.

On a related note, we will be moving to the Seattle area in late July, and it may take a little while to get net access up and running again. Mark H. Anbinder, whose name often graces these screens, has offered to help out then, so we hope that TidBITS will not suffer too much as we pull up roots (and cables) (we both grew up here in Ithaca) and move west. Again, we hope that net access will appear shortly after we arrive, at which point TidBITS can gear up again.

Many thanks for your enthusiasm and support and please bear with us through these next few months of utter and complete (though enjoyable) confusion.

Cheers ... Adam C. Engst & Tonya Byard