This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1991-08-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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In Conclusion...

by Adam C. Engst

Don't get us wrong, there was lots to see and do at the Macworld Expo this time around. A number of nifty new products and a whole host of updates to old acquaintances. One of the expected bonanzas, though, was in the area of updates that fully supported System 7. Too many of the updates are not yet shipping, and of those that are, most take advantage of only some of the key features: Balloon Help, publish and subscribe, TrueType, Apple events, virtual memory, and 32-bit addressing. No doubt next January's Macworld Expo in San Francisco will be full of companies touting their products' System 7 Savviness, but by then it will be old news.

For now, we'll be satisfied with talking about what did make it to this Expo. We have lots of products to review in future issues, and lots more products that deserve brief mentions, so you can count on seeing more information gleaned at the Expo over the next few weeks.

Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder --
Ilene Hoffman --
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