This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-01-13 at 12:00 p.m.
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Drive My Printer

by Adam C. Engst

There's been quite some complaining on the nets about the new drivers for the StyleWriter and the Personal LaserWriter LS, not so much because of the drivers themselves, but because the driver kits now include TrueType versions of the LaserWriter Plus fonts (earlier they shipped with only Times, Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol). Lots of people want to use these TrueType fonts, and Apple has alternately claimed that they are available to everyone and made it difficult for anyone but owners of those printers to order the fonts.

Now those two printers are shipping with accessory kits that include the new drivers and all the fonts, and Apple is making the fonts and drivers available on electronic services as well. I may be a bit behind the times on this because it's not easy for me to use FTP, but there is a massive file called something like truetype-fonts.hqx on in the /dts/mac/sys.soft/imaging directory. Be warned that the file is about 900K. Your dealer is allowed to give you the drivers, and those who want to pay $18 can order them from Apple after today.

Apple -- 800/947-5176

Information from:
Mark H. Anbinder --
Mark Vita --