This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-01-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

I don't enjoy making mistakes, but it does happen. In TidBITS-101, I suggested that a certain file available on held the full set of LaserWriter Plus TrueType fonts. Well, I was dead wrong and lots of people mentioned it to me, thanks. That file holds only the TrueType fonts that ship with System 7. It's difficult for me to download 900K files via FTP since I've only got a 2400 bps link right now, but I still should have checked more carefully. My apologies for misleading you. However, in my defense, the information I had from Apple said quite clearly that those LaserWriter Plus TrueType fonts would be posted on electronic services, so keep an eye out - the great folks who run are doing their best and that machine is an incredible network resource.

At least that was a simple factual error. In TidBITS-102, two of our articles implied that Apple's Developer Technical Support might not be doing a good job. It was never my intention to slam on DTS in any way - in the first instance I was just reporting what the developer had told me, and in the second instance, the problem stemmed from a lack of internal communication at HP. As Murph Sewall mused in his article on the DeskWriter C driver, HP is a very large organization and the person he talked to was simply ill-informed about how HP had been seeded with Quadras early on by Apple. For those of you who are wondering, yes, HP has a better driver for the DeskWriter C under beta test now, so we can hope to see it soon. In any event, thanks to Brian Bechtel of Apple Developer Support for setting me straight on this, and my apologies to everyone at Apple DTS.

Information from:
Brian Bechtel --