This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-01-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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7 Introduction

by Eric Apgar, Robert Hess and Adam C. Engst

by Eric Apgar -
Robert Hess -
Adam C. Engst -
and help from many others as well....

System 7 is without a doubt Apple's most ambitious system upgrade ever, giving us additional power and complexity. In this issue, we bring you a grab bag of tricks and tips for squeezing the last drop of productivity and enjoyment out of your System 7 Mac. Eric Apgar has collected many of these methods, and we've selected the best for your reading pleasure with the able assistance of Robert Hess. These tips range from the mundane to the unexpected, so read on and enjoy.

First, a note from Eric. "The following are various tricks and tips I have come across. If you have any questions drop me a line. These are my tips, not Apple's!"