This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-02-03 at 12:00 p.m.
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Microsoft Weird 4.00E

by Adam C. Engst

Word is starting to sound like Old MacDonald's Farm: "E I E I O." As promised, Microsoft released version 4.00E of Word to resolve problems with Word and the 68040 caches. If you have a Quadra and don't want to upgrade to Word 5.0, which also works with the 68040 caches enabled, you can get a free upgrade to 4.00E by calling tech support or customer service. Support for the Quadras is the only difference between Word 4.00E and 4.00D, the current version, and Microsoft has not tested 4.00E on machines other than the Quadras since there's no real point - most people will either be happy with 4.00D or will upgrade to 5.0.

It's high time to clear up some confusion about various versions of Word. The program version is 4.00E, but the invoice version is 4.00I and it will appear on the invoice as such, confusing the heck out of everyone in sight. Microsoft knows about this "bug" and is working to fix it, but remember, the 4.00I revision is completely imaginary and was made up by the invoice elves that inhabit Microsoft's mainframes and are known to play tricks late at night when only the Windows debugging teams are still awake.

Actually, the Word 5.0 debugging teams are also cluttering the atmosphere with the by-products of some midnight oil, trying to fix a problem that appears only on 68000 machines. It seems that if you are running on a 68000 machine and open the Grammar Checker, Word occasionally crashes for no known reason. Microsoft is aware of the problem and is trying to gather more information about it since it hasn't been tracked down any further than we've just described.

Microsoft Customer Service -- 800/426-9400
Microsoft Mac Word Technical Support -- 206/635-7200

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