This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-02-17 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Survey II

by Adam C. Engst

Welcome to our second annual TidBITS Survey! Unlike MacWEEK and the other "qualified" subscription magazines, all you have to do to receive TidBITS is be interested. This survey will only appear in this issue of TidBITS, so please fill it out and return it soon if you can. We realize that you're all busy people, as we are, and don't have lots of time to spare. So you have three options.

  1. You can send in the entire survey below, at which point you may win a super-cool TidBITS button like those I gave to a few enthusiastic people at Macworld Expo. It was the only button at the show with a penguin on it. We've got 100 buttons to give out and will give them to every 20th response. If we get more than 2000 responses, we'll space them evenly, so if we get 2500 responses, every 25th person will get a button. Of course, for me to send you a button, you'll have to include your snail mail address, but rest assured that those addresses will never go to a direct mail company.

  2. You can just send in a survey response telling us how you get TidBITS, from Usenet, from sumex-aim, from our mailing list, from a BBS, or from another source. No buttons for the busy, sorry.

  3. You can ignore this entirely, which will make us seriously depressed. <sniff>

Please send survey responses to:

if possible, but it's OK to send to my personal address if you have to (i.e. by replying to this note on the Internet). Those of you on CompuServe and America Online can use our addresses there instead, 70262,3152 and "Adam Engst" respectively. If you have no access to any of these electronic mail addresses, feel free to send snail mail to:

9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096
Redmond, WA 98052 USA

The Short Form -- Remember, if you're short on time, please just send back this form, but we won't be able to send you a button unless you fill out the whole thing.

 I read TidBITS on:
     [ ] Usenet
     [ ] The SFU mailing list
     [ ] The TIDBITS LISTSERV mailing list
     [ ]
     [ ] Other anonymous FTP site _________________________________
     [ ] CompuServe
     [ ] America Online
     [ ] A local BBS (name) _________________ (phone#) ____________
     [ ] Other ____________________________________________________

The Long Form -- I'm curious about the demographics of the TidBITS audience this year in part because we're thinking of setting up a sponsorship program like that used by Public Broadcasting (PBS) and the survey results will help us figure out if that's feasible. Nonetheless, check out question #17 - we ought to be able to do some good statistics on that one. :-)

We've tried to give some examples of possible categories for the questions below, but keep in mind that they are only guidelines, and if your title is "Girl Friday" (don't laugh, that's a position at Delta Tao Software), then by all means write that down.

 00) Your Name
     Your Company
     Your Address
     City, State, Zip, Country
 01) I read TidBITS on the following online source:
     (i.e. Usenet, the SFU mailing list, the TIDBITS LISTSERV,, CompuServe, America Online, local BBS,
     a local network, other - please be specific!)
 02) Your organization's primary activity:
     (i.e. education, government, engineering, manufacturing,
     legal, communications, retail, consulting, thumb twiddling)
 03) Your professional title:
     (i.e. president, owner, VP, network manager, engineer,
     programmer, scientist, educator, consultant, grand poohbah)
 04) Your department's function:
     (i.e. education, communications, design, consulting, sales,
     MIS, R&D, finance, advanced thumb twiddling)
 05) How many people are employed at your organization?
     (numbers please, spreadsheets don't understand technical terms
      like "gazillions")
 06) How many Macs does your organization own?
 07) How many Macs does your organization plan to buy this year?
 08) How many DOS computers does your organization own?
 09) How many DOS computers does your organization plan to buy this
 10) How many Unix workstations does your organization own?
 11) How many Unix workstations does your organization plan to buy
     this year?
 12) Do you participate in the purchasing of hardware and software,
     both within your company or for others?
 13) If so, for how many computers do you have this participation?
 14) Has TidBITS influenced your purchasing decisions in any way?
 15) If so, how many purchases have you made as a direct result of
     information in TidBITS?
 16) Please indicate the communications capabilities that the
     computers in your organization have.
       [ ] Local Area Network
       [ ] Networked to workstations, minicomputers, or mainframes
       [ ] Communicate with remote computers via modem
 17) What is your favorite integer? :-)