This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-02-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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SuperClock! error

by Adam C. Engst

SuperClock! error -- Steve Christensen, the author of SuperClock!, writes in regard to Mark H. Anbinder's article "Quadra Vampires", "Well, that's news to me. SuperClock! was written completely in assembly language, so there aren't any compiler-oriented issues to deal with. SuperClock! also doesn't do any cache-oriented operations directly - I make no hardware assumptions of that type since I want to be able to run on 68000s as well as 68040s. It's possible that some of the system code I call may flush the cache as part of its operation, though. I work with the software guys that did the ROMs for both Quadras, both use SuperClock! on their Quadras, and I haven't heard any complaints."

[Adam: Our apologies, Steve. Mark said that the information came from someone within Apple, so it's more curious that you weren't contacted first. Though SuperClock! is off the hook as a Quadra vampire, I would warn people to generally be aware of older programs that might exhibit this behavior. We don't know of any specifically, but older compilers had no way of knowing about the Quadras and certain out-of-date code may run slowly on them.]

Information from:
Steve Christensen --
Mark H. Anbinder --