This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-02-24 at 12:00 p.m.
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Errors of the week

by Adam C. Engst

Errors of the week -- I originally had a funny mailer message slated for this spot, and I will include that below for a little relief from the real error of the week, which was the SFU mailing list. It has had problems on and off for a while now, but this week the underlying mailer software kept crashing and every time it crashed, it sent another copy of whatever it had to everyone on the list. My sincere apologies for this, and I would recommend switching to the TIDBITS LISTSERV at Rice if you are terribly frustrated with SFU. To do that, send email to LISTSERV@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU including this line in the body of the mail:

SUBSCRIBE TIDBITS your full name

I made a mistake last week in saying that the name should be in parentheses - if you do that, the LISTSERV will think they belong in your name. You can also have more than two words in your name, but must have at least two. If you wish to delete those parentheses or change your name on the LISTSERV, just send in another SUBSCRIBE mailfile with your name sans parentheses.

If you do subscribe to the LISTSERV, please remove yourself from the SFU list (you may have to wait a day or two until the site comes back up - it's been shut down temporarily) by sending email to with the single word "remove" (in lower case and without the quotes) in the Subject: line. Thanks!