This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-03-16 at 12:00 p.m.
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Macworld Modifications

by Adam C. Engst

Those of you who try to make it to every MACWORLD Expo possible have probably noticed that it's becoming harder and harder as World Expo increases the number of expos around the world. The increase in number of shows has not been without its growing pains though. There have been several recent changes worth noting, though unfortunately the cornerstone Boston and San Francisco expos have not been rescheduled to fall and spring respectively (when the weather in each city is nicer).

MACWORLD Canada -- North American readers (at least those in the Northeast) will be pleased to read that MACWORLD Canada will be held for the third straight year in Toronto, and World Expo has rescheduled the show back to the autumn season, September 15th through 17th, to be precise. Apparently the exhibitors liked the fall timing better and an opening at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre made the switch possible. Last year's show in Toronto drew over 12,000 people, so although it sounds like enough people to draw the interesting vendors, it's not quite the 50,000 person crush found in Boston and San Francisco.

MACWORLD Paris -- Jean-Philippe Nicaise, our French correspondent, tells us that MACWORLD Paris, which was planned for March 31st through April 2nd, was cancelled recently. Apparently the show simply wasn't popular enough to make it feasible. French enthusiasts will have to wait until September, when Apple France puts on the Apple Expo, the only Macintosh-specific expo in France. Luckily there are also several other expos in Europe for multi-lingual Macintosh aficionados, including Amsterdam, Berlin, Barcelona, Birmingham, Helsinki, Milan, Oslo, Stockholm, and the European Summit in Geneva.

MACWORLD New York -- World Expo bought the rights to the Mac Business show that used to be held in New York in the spring and had scheduled a MACWORLD New York to take that time slot. Apparently there wasn't enough interest on the part of the vendors because that show was cancelled as well. There was also a sense that it was simply one show too many, that vendors didn't have much interest in another US show, and small companies found it difficult to keep a show team on the road. Another problem may be the increasing power of the niche applications on the Mac. World Expo also bought the rights to a Mac Business show in Los Angeles in late winter, but replaced it with Multimedia '92 instead of trying to put on yet another general show that would compete with San Francisco.

MACWORLD United Kingdom -- Unlike New York and Paris, the MACWORLD United Kingdom expo in Birmingham is still on, although it has been merged with the Which Computer? Show and will now be held in the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham, England from April 7th to 10th (the previous dates were right about now in March). Given the increasing tendency to make the shows more specific, as World Expo did with Multimedia '92, it's a bit surprising that they merged MACWORLD United Kingdom with a general computer show, although one has to assume that they felt they would get better exposure via the merger.

Wherever you may be located, you can get more information on attending one of the numerous MACWORLD Expos around the world by sending a note of inquiry to:

c/o World Expo Corp.
P.O. Box 9107
Framingham, MA 01701 USA
508/875-1573 (fax)

Information from:
Jean-Philippe Nicaise --
World Expo propaganda