This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-06-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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ClarisWorks Details

by Adam C. Engst

ClarisWorks 1.0v2
Claris Corporation
5201 Patrick Henry Drive
Santa Clara CA 95052-8168

Price and Availability: -- ClarisWorks lists for $299, and is available for under $200 from mail order companies. Education users should get an even cheaper price, around $120. (Note that some educational resellers may still offer MacWrite II, MacPaint 2.0, and Resolve, with a free upgrade to MacWrite Pro, at a special bundle price of $99: if you only need word processing, graphics, and a spreadsheet and you have a Mac with at least 4 MB of RAM, this is a better deal.) Sidegrades for $99 are available if you already own another integrated package. Contact Claris or a dealer for more information.