This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-07-06 at 12:00 p.m.
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Word 5.0a Patch

by Adam C. Engst

Microsoft has fixed the font/styles bug that caused styles to revert to the Normal font when files were transferred between machines (see TidBITS-126). In an unusual move, Microsoft has created a patch program, which it is distributing it for free on all the online services. Of course, you can get Microsoft to mail you a disk with the patch for Word 5.0a on it, but frankly, if you have access to one of the online services, downloading is easier. The patch fixes the bug and updates the version number of Word from 5.0 to 5.0a.

On the Internet, you can snag the patch from several places. Perhaps the easiest is where the 27K file is stored as:


Of course, you can also get the file through a sumex mirror site - check out the Gateways 1 article in TidBITS-130 for more information on them. You can call a Microsoft BBS at speeds up to 9600 bps for the file as well.

Microsoft Mac Word Technical Support -- 206/635-7200
Microsoft BBS -- 206/936-6735