This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-07-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

Two minor mistakes last week, and one major problem this week, which accounts for the tardiness of this issue. First, we mentioned the existence of the Frequently Asked Questions file at Unfortunately, the source had transposed two letters in the filename, and so did we. Look for "csmf-faq.txt".

Secondly, Andy Sheppard told us about an FTP and archie site in the UK, adding that it had mailserver capabilities though he didn't know the details. Unfortunately, it turns out this site is available only from the UK. I believe the address is <>.

The previous paragraph is vague because our dearly-beloved 105 MB hard drive died a terrible death Tuesday when some moron got drunk and ran his car into an electric pole. The resulting power flutter (off-on-off in the space of a few seconds) turned the hard drive's controller card into the functional equivalent of a twisted heap of smoking metal. We had decent backups, but I lost all my mail and some recent work. By the time you read this, we'll be back up on another APS 105 MB drive ($270 cheaper than two years ago).