This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-10-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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QuickMail/AppleShare Problem Fixed

by Mark H. Anbinder

CE Software announced that one long-standing annoyance for server administrators, incompatibility between CE's QuickMail server software and Apple's AppleShare 3.0 file server software, is a thing of the past. Apple's upcoming AppleShare 3.0.1 release purports to fix the incompatibility, and intensive testing at CE has confirmed this. CE's Director of Technical Services, Christian F. Gurney, says that, "Based on the results of these tests, QuickMail 2.5.x and AppleShare 3.0.1 are compatible when used on the same Macintosh acting as a mail and file server."

CE's test scenarios included exercising QuickMail, AppleShare's file server and AppleShare's print server by sending QuickMail messages, reading and writing files, and sending print jobs. The tests were conducted on 68030 and 68000 Macintosh systems running System 7.0.1.

Gurney also reported that the QuickMail server software is still incompatible with the file sharing feature of System 7. CE fixed this problem in an upcoming release of QuickMail. Version 2.6 is planned for release later this year.

An update to AppleShare 3.0.1 will be available to registered owners of version 3.0, though Apple has yet to announce the specific upgrade path. According to Apple's Customer Assistance Center, the new software is expected to be released this week, and TidBITS will pass on additional information when it arrives. In the meantime, please don't call Apple (and certainly not CE!) for a release date or upgrade information.

CE Software Technical Support -- 515/224-1953
Apple Customer Assistance Center -- 800/776-2333