This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1992-11-09 at 12:00 p.m.
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Navigating the Internet: An Interactive Workshop

by Adam C. Engst

[We think so highly of the idea of a free, electronic, workshop given over the Internet that we couldn't resist including this announcement. We'll be curious to see how well it works, being one of the first courses provided worldwide over the Internet, breaking down numerous physical, geographic, temporal, and financial barriers. Kudos to the brave souls running the course!]

16-Nov-92 through 11-Dec-92 -- "Navigating the Internet: An Interactive Workshop" is intended for new or infrequent users of the network of networks called the Internet. It is designed to give an overview of several operating systems used on the Internet and to give examples of the resources available over the Internet.

The only requirements are that the user have access to the Internet and can read basic email. Unix, VMS, and VM will be the primary operating systems covered in the workshop.

Participants will be sent instructions by email.

A BITNET LISTSERV provided by the University at Buffalo will be used for interactive answering of questions and solving problems with additional help by email.

Instructor Richard J. Smith
Assistant Director of Technical Services
University of Southwestern Louisiana
VMS & VM adaptation by Jim Gerland
Systems Consultant
University at Buffalo
Guest lecturer Dr. Chris Tomer
University of Pittsburgh
Contributions by Peter Scott, Charles W. Bailey Jr.,
and others will be included.

Week 1

Thanksgiving Break (USA) November 25-29, 1992

Week 2

Week 3

Registration Fee: free

AUTOMATED REGISTRATION (preferred) -- To register for "Navigating the Internet: An Interactive Workshop" send the following email message (no subject heading) to:

In the body of the email message write:

sub navigate yourfirstname yourlastname

(If the above instructions are unfamiliar to you, ask for assistance from your computer center.)


Send email requesting registration to:


Richard J. Smith
Dupre Library
302 St. Mary Blvd.
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Lafayette, LA 70503
Include your name and email address


Richard J. Smith -- 318/231-6399