This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-02-08 at 12:00 p.m.
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by Adam C. Engst

T/Maker sent me a copy of ClickArt for Faxes a while back, before I had a working fax modem (and they included candy with the review copy, an excellent policy that I recommend to the rest of the industry). It's a neat idea if you send a lot of otherwise boring faxes, because it's composed of a collection of cover sheets in various formats, including Word, WriteNow, MacWrite, and MacPaint. You can snazz up your faxes with these cover sheets, but you may not find all the sentiments entirely to your liking, although you can easily edit them. That's a personal decision and not something I can judge easily. I know that there were only two cover sheets with penguins on them, something I could use more of. :-)

My complaint about ClickArt for Faxes is that these fax programs already have a feature that automatically generates a cover sheet, so if you use these, you must remember to shut off the automatic cover sheet or you'll look dumb. Otherwise, ClickArt for Faxes is a simple and inexpensive ($69 list) way to have fun, and the world can use more of that.

T/Maker -- 415/962-0195 -- 415/962-0201 (fax)