This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-02-15 at 12:00 p.m.
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Apple Software Enhancements

by Mark H. Anbinder

Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers Inc.

Last Friday Apple announced a set of software enhancements that improve the performance of a variety of Macintoshes using System 7.1. In addition, Apple released the long-awaited System Enabler that replaces MODE32 for users of System 7.1.

The Macintosh Hardware System Update should interest a wide segment of the Macintosh population - though Apple says they do not expect most people to require this update. This "set of software enhancements" (the Installer installs only the parts of the update that your Mac needs) improves high-speed serial communications reliability, system clock precision, reliability of floppy ejects on shutdown, and low-memory performance on specific Macs. We suspect Apple has underestimated the number of users who will value this update

MODE32, created by Connectix and licensed by Apple a little over a year ago, allows users of the Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, and SE/30 to utilize 32-bit memory addressing under System 7. This allowed these Macs to address more than 8 MB of physical RAM, or more than 13 MB of virtual memory. Using 32-bit addressing, Macintosh II users can access up to 68 MB of physical memory when a PMMU (paged memory management unit) is installed, and users of the other three machines may access up to 128 MB of physical memory. All of the machines will be able to address up to one gigabyte of virtual memory. MODE32 wasn't fully compatible with System 7.1, but Apple did not have a replacement ready until now.

These products are available free of charge from a number of online services and US readers can also order it starting 24-Feb-93 from one of Apple's handy-dandy fulfillment houses for a $10 shipping and handling charge. Readers with access to AppleLink may peek in Software Sampler -> Apple SW Updates -> Macintosh -> Supplemental System Software.

Apple -- 800/892-4649

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