This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-04-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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Quadra 700 Comments

by Adam C. Engst

Quadra 700 Comments -- Brian Hughes <> writes to tell us that Glenn Fleishman's editorial on the Quadra 700 had some incorrect information. The LC and LC II max out at 512K of VRAM, which is enough for 16-bit color on the 12" monitor only (8-bit color on the 13"/14" monitor), and the LC III tops out at 768K VRAM, which will handle 16-bit color on monitors up to 13"/14".

Michael Peirce <>, author of Smoothie, which smooths jaggies in on-screen presentations, comments that Apple might be throwing a bone to the video card manufacturers, who would otherwise lose customers who have 24-bit internal video. Otherwise, Apple risks losing these manufacturers to the Windows market, where fast, high-quality video is an absolute necessity. Michael also notes that many people doing high-end 24-bit color work also need big monitors, and even the 24-bit color on the Quadra 700, 900, and 950 only works up to 16".