This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-05-31 at 12:00 p.m.
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"Crash Course" Correction

by Adam C. Engst

"Crash Course" Correction -- In my article in the Jun-93 MacUser, a mistake was made in copy editing that introduced a serious error. For the non-programmer, MacsBug has three, maybe four important commands. They are es or escape to shell (which is the Finder), rs or restart, g or continue where you left off, and ? or help. Unfortunately the g command was turned into "Go" in the article, and MacsBug just spits at you if you give that as a command. My apologies if this mistake caused trouble. MacsBug is available on <> as:


Those of you using the Centris 610 and low-end 650 with the 68LC040 chip, need a special version of MacsBug that is available as:
