This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-06-14 at 12:00 p.m.
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Cable Table Label

by Adam C. Engst

Cable Table Label -- Alert reader Phil Reese <> wins the copy editing award for the week, noticing a serious typographical error in our chart listing the "standard" configuration for a Macintosh hardware handshaking cable. Somehow we switched the Macintosh pin numbers for handshaking in and out. Our apologies. The correct table is:

     Mac function     RS-232 function   Mac pin    DB-25 pin
     ------------     ---------------   -------    ---------
     RxD (receive)    Receive Data      5          3
     TxD (transmit)   Transmit Data     3          2
     Ground           Ground            4 & 8      7
     HSKi             CTS               2          5
     HSKo             RTS & DTR         1          4 & 20
     GPi              CD                7          8