This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-07-12 at 12:00 p.m.
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ZipIt Wires

by Adam C. Engst

ZipIt Wires -- Jacob Ahlqvist <> writes:

In TidBITS #182, Jim Wheelis, in his review of ZipIt, failed to mention one great advantage of ZipIt - it is Apple event-aware and ties in completely with Kem Tekinay's Freddie 1.2.5 (and only 1.2.5) to provide automated decompression/opening/reading of PC .QWK files downloaded from a PC BBS for off-line reading. Now you can just drop the .QWK file onto Freddie and leave it for a few minutes to do the trick rather than unzipping manually with UnZip or StuffIt Deluxe.