This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-07-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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Rival Changes Hands

by Mark H. Anbinder

Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers

The authors of the Rival anti-virus utility for Macintosh announced last week that Microseeds, Inc. is no longer supporting the software. The authors, Frederic Miserey and Jean-Michel Decombe, stressed that a new structure is being formed to provide distribution and support, and in the meantime, support is still available.

They ask that all registered users provide them with contact info (see below). Users who provide an electronic address will receive the latest version of Rival (1.2.4) and all vaccines immediately, and will be added to a mailing list to receive updates and vaccines to handle new viruses, as they appear. (Users whose email gateways won't support large files should so indicate when contacting the authors.) Bug reports and requests for technical support are also welcomed via the addresses below.

Fred and JMD
1705 Cowper Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301

The authors ask that users send a note with name and company name, postal and electronic mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, Rival serial number and license specifics (single or multiple user vs. site license), and if possible, the version of Rival and vaccines already on hand.

-- Information from:
Frederic Miserey --