This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-07-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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RSI Online

by Adam C. Engst

RSI Online -- Rik Ahlberg <> writes:

Just a note to let you folks know that there's a new mailing list for those looking for information on repetitive stress injuries (including carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, occupational overuse syndrome, and cumulative trauma disorders), how to deal with them, and what resources are available to people living with pain.

The list is open to all those interested in joining and/or supporting a support, referral, and information resource for those suffering from repetitive strain injuries. Even if you are outside of the Boston metro area, please do not hesitate to join the group. To join the discussion, send mail to:

Boston-RSI meets regularly at the Boston Computer Society's main office in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA, beginning in August.