This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-07-19 at 12:00 p.m.
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PowerBook Prices Drop

by Adam C. Engst

PowerBook Prices Drop -- Apple lowered even more prices in a drive to increase sales and profits after the $188 million loss in the company's third quarter. This time all PowerBooks except the Duos received the red tags, with suggested retail prices dropping 7 to 34 percent. That 34 percent price drop was for the PowerBook 160 4/40, which fell from $2,429 to $1,609. If you're in the market for a PowerBook, make sure your dealer has instituted the new prices before you buy. The $188 million loss sounds bad, but we find it interesting to note that Apple's third quarter net revenues were $1.862 billion, a 7 percent increase over last year's third quarter, and Macintosh unit shipments increased 20 percent over last year's third quarter. Laying off employees is expensive, and that's where the loss came from.