This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-07-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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In the unconfirmed news department

by Adam C. Engst

In the unconfirmed news department, I hear that Apple has finished the Macintosh Hardware System Update 2.0, but that the update is not yet generally available. It fixes a many bugs on many different models of the Mac, many of which seem to be more operating system bugs than hardware problems, but who's complaining? We'll let you know more details once we have a copy ourselves. Also, I just heard that Prodigy is beta-testing an Internet gateway. We don't know if there's any cost to Prodigy users, but they need new software, called Mail Manager, and can sign up for Internet access at JUMP INTERNET. Prodigy users can receive Internet mail via the address format

where "abcd12a" is the recipient's user ID. It's about time Prodigy appeared on the Internet, but don't expect a reliable gateway right away since it's still in testing. Again, details as they arise.