This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-08-02 at 12:00 p.m.
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Legal Queries

by Adam C. Engst

Legal Queries -- TidBITS is in the process of researching an article on software licensing with a view toward the actual law, standard agreements, nonstandard agreements, what happens if you break the agreement, and how it all applies to shareware/freeware. We also hope to look at the details in terms of upgrades, selling software, donating software to non-profits, and otherwise transferring the license.

With that in mind, we could use some help. If you could send Brady Johnson information on the following, we'd appreciate it (there's no need to send the stuff to me as well). Brady's address is:

We're looking for strange licensing clauses, how different companies allow you to transfer the license (or not), if you as a individual have had any experiences with enforcement of the law, and any other brief comments you might have. Thanks!

And yes, Brady actually is a lawyer, he doesn't just play one on the nets.