This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1993-09-27 at 12:00 p.m.
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The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh

by Adam C. Engst

My book, The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, is printed and available for ordering. Bookstores should have it in stock soon. You don't have to go through a bookstore, since Hayden accepts credit card orders via email, phone, and fax. TidBITS readers receive a 20 percent discount by providing the magic code "310D" (The discount works for orders of ten books or fewer). Shipping costs about $3 per book for U.S. mail or $6 for Federal Express - your choice. If you order from overseas, Hayden may mail the book from a distributor in your country, thus reducing the postage fees. If you live in Indiana, Hayden charges sales tax as well.

Spreading the word -- If you'd like to help me, and in the process help others gain access to the Internet, please let Internet providers and user groups (who get discounts on bulk orders) know about the book. In addition, if your friendly local bookstore doesn't carry the book, please ask them to do so. I especially hope college and university campus bookstores carry it, since students and staff often have difficulty finding good information about the Internet despite having amazing connections to the Internet. Thanks for your help!

Ordering Details

The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, by Adam C. Engst.
Published by Hayden Books. ISBN 1-56830-064-6.
$29.95 U.S.A. $37.95 Canada. Shipping cost varies.
800/428-5331 (U.S. toll free voice orders)
317/581-3535 (U.S. local voice orders in Indiana)
317/581-3500 (Switchboard voice)
800/448-3804 (U.S. fax orders)
317-581-3550 (General fax) (email orders)
310D (Magic code for 20% discount)

Email Orders -- Fill out and return the form at the bottom of this article to <>. If you aren't comfortable with sending your credit card information through email, use another ordering method.

U.S. Orders -- Call or fax using the appropriate phone number. If you fax, make sure to include all of the information requested on the form below - in fact, print it out, fill it in, and then fax it back.

International Orders -- Call the switchboard number above and ask to be connected to "International Sales." They will either take your order or tell you the easiest way to get a copy in your country. If you want to fax in your order, send the form below to the general fax number above and note clearly that it's for "International Sales."

Reseller Orders -- If you purchase a number of books to resell (as might a user group or an Internet provider), you get a discount based on the number of books you buy. To order a quantity of books, call the 800 number or local sales line and ask to speak with a corporate sales rep.

Hayden Books Order Form

    201 West 103rd Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46290 USA
    voice:  (317) 581-3500  or  (800) 428-5331
    fax:    (317) 581-3550  or  (800) 835-3202

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