This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-01-31 at 12:00 p.m.
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RSI News

by Adam C. Engst

Andy Williams <> passed on the news that the American Physical Therapy Association is sponsoring two free days of phone help to help those affected by the "Information Revolution." Sounds like a good time to call to chat about your carpal tunnel or tendonitis. The dates are 02-Feb-94 and 03-Feb-94 and the phone number is 800/995-7848.

RSI Newsletter -- Another resource for those suffering from RSI problems is the RSI Newsletter, published by Caroline Rose and distributed electronically in setext form (suitable for framing, or viewing with Easy View) by Craig O'Donnell <>. The RSI Newsletter has been around for 14 months, which qualifies it as a geezer resource on the fast moving nets. Maybe its longevity can help convince businesses and organizations that repetitive stress injuries are real.

To subscribe, send Craig email at the above address and put "RSI Newsletter" (without the quotes) in the Subject: line. Craig's mailer will add you to the list automatically, but he can't answer personally (he has RSI problems too). To check out the information that has appeared in the RSI Newsletter in the past via both FTP and Gopher, explore the URLs below, which also should point you to other RSI resources.

gopher:// network

SOREHAND List -- Although the RSI Newsletter publishes letters from readers, for true discussion, check out the SOREHAND list. To subscribe, send email to:


with this line in the body of the message (no Subject necessary):