This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-06-23 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Search Engine Online

by Adam C. Engst

TidBITS Search Engine Online -- As promised, we've put the winner of our Search Engine Shootout online (see TidBITS-368, TidBITS-379, and TidBITS-380). The custom Apple e.g. implementation currently runs on a Power Macintosh 7100/80 with 24 MB of RAM. This Mac has a 56K frame relay Internet connection instead of the full T1 our main Web server enjoys, so we'll be curious to watch the performance. If you want to bookmark the search page, use the URL below rather than where you end up when you follow the link - we may move things around over time. [ACE]
