This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1997-05-26 at 12:00 p.m.
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TidBITS Still on ZDNet/Mac on CompuServe

by Adam C. Engst

TidBITS Still on ZDNet/Mac on CompuServe -- Kevin Norris of ZDNet/Mac tells us that they're continuing to upload TidBITS to the ZDNet/Mac Arts & Fun Forum's (GO ZMC:ZMACARTS) Electronic Pubs library (#11). He also notes that forum and all of ZDNet are now part of CompuServe's Computing Professionals package (GO CPRO). So, if you want to download TidBITS from CompuServe rather than receive it in email (by subscribing to our mailing list at <>) or visiting our Web site, check out that forum. [ACE]
