This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-06-20 at 12:00 p.m.
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MacUser arrives on the Internet

by Adam C. Engst

MacUser arrives on the Internet in the form of an email address for sending letters to the editor. The address <> now accepts comments about MacUser or the state of the Mac for consideration for publication. However, the MacUser folks ask that you don't send requests for specific buying advice, requests for information in back issues, or requests for subscription information. The MacUser editors don't have time to handle requests of the first two types, and the subscription department isn't currently reachable via email.

If you submit a letter, please include your name and a daytime phone number. Also indicate if it's acceptable for MacUser to include your email address if your letter is printed. All letters become the property of MacUser, and MacUser reserves the right to edit any letters they print.

Although responses aren't guaranteed, the person who will read all the messages and may reply to some is Jason Snell, an assistant editor at MacUser and editor of the Internet fiction magazine InterText. In other words, Jason isn't an Internet neophyte, and I'm glad MacUser gave the job to someone who understands the Internet. [ACE]