This article originally appeared in TidBITS on 1994-07-11 at 12:00 p.m.
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AppleCare for Ink Cartridges?

by Jeffrey Norwood

Jeffrey Norwood <> writes:

Here's a message I got from AppleCare today. As Dave Barry says, I am not making this up!

"Dear Jefferey [sic] Norwood:

"During August, 1994, the one year limited warranty on your STYLEWRITER II INK CARTRIDGE [their caps, not mine] will expire. After that, repair bills will be your responsibility. Unless you order AppleCare today.

"AppleCare is the easiest, most affordable way to continue to take care of your STYLEWRITER II INK CARTRIDGE. In fact, it's the only extended service plan backed by Apple. And for good reason... etc., etc."

Golly, to think I've just been refilling those darned things all this time.